13岁男孩破魔方纪录 13岁男孩破魔方纪录样式丫

运动兴趣小编 2023-09-17 01:47:26

扭魔方最力害的小孩 才不是呢,反而会增加思维,对孩子有好处的,不会力害小孩的,对孩子有一定的帮助的!


13岁男孩破魔方纪录 13岁男孩破魔方纪录样式丫(图1)

When it comes to solving Rubik’s cubes (魔方), one teenager in Xiamen, China, seems to set a new Guinness World Record every time he picks one up. In the whole life, Que Jianyu has become famous for his surprising Rubik’s cube skills. His world records include the quickest simultaneous (同步的) solve of three cubes while using both his hands and his feet, and the fastest solving of a Rubik’s cube while upside down. The first one took him 1 minute and 36.39 seconds, while the second one only took 15.84 seconds.

His record-breaking history dates all the way back to age 7, when he became the youngest person in the world to solve a Rubik’s cube with his eyes covered. But perhaps his most memorable and remarkable victory of all was the one that he achieved in Rome, Italy, on the set of “La Notte dei Record” in November 2018. During this unforgettable performance, Que solved three cubes simultaneously—while juggling (玩杂耍) them! For most of us, it is a lifelong dream to successfully finish one of those skills, let alone both at the same time! With that, Que scored another Guinness World Record as he clocked the amazing time of 5 minutes and 2.43 seconds.

“When I was younger, I could hardly understand what having a dream really meant,” Que told Guinness World Records. “It is Rubik’s cubes that have made my dream more concrete, and I believe that I have the power to try for better results in the future.”



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